Home / News / Headlines / Coronavirus Outbreak: Princess Maria Teresa of Spain becomes first royal to die of COVID-19; funeral service held in Madrid

Coronavirus Outbreak: Princess Maria Teresa of Spain becomes first royal to die of COVID-19; funeral service held in Madrid

Maria Teresa, princess of Bourbon-Parma, Spain, has turned out to be the 1st in the royal family to succumb to death because of coronavirus. 

As per a statement made by the Fox News, Princess Maria Teresa (86 year old) was one of King Felipe VI’s cousins. Prince Sixto Enrique de Borbon, brother of the princess and the Aranjuez’s Duke, announced on his social media page on Facebook that Princess Maria died after getting infected with coronavirus. The social media post states that the Duke’s sister, Maria Teresa de Borbon Parma  and Borbon Busset , on that afternoon, was infected by the COVID-19 and died when she aged 86 years in Paris. 

The saddening death of Princess Teresa has come many weeks after Spain’s King, Felipe VI had negative results after testing for the coronavirus. 

As per the magazine People, after completing her education in France, Princess Maria was working as a professor at Sorbonne in Paris. She also happened to be a professor at Complutense University of Madrid and taught Sociology. 

Princess Maria was very popular for her activist work and outspoken views. This gave her the nickname of the “Red Princess”.

The Princess’ funeral service was held in Madrid on Friday. 

About Priyanka Chandrakar

A news media professional having strong experience in online journalism, content management, and social media. Priyanka's strength includes expert knowledge of health, yoga, meditation, and proficiency in packaging content for health-related issues. Not only that but she also has great interest and knowledge about the education and entertainment industry.