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Safety Measures To Follow For Your Flight Post The Pandemic

We are all aware of the ongoing pandemic in the world. The outbreak of Covid-19 has disrupted our lives in ways we can’t even imagine. The entire human race is locked up in their houses, while public places and travelling have been shut down. With the current state of the situation, it is hard to tell when it’s going to end.

Due to Covid-19, we cannot travel right now. Even at the places where you are allowed to travel, it’s with dozens of new rules and regulations. So how should you travel post-pandemic? If you are planning to travel by Air India Express once the pandemic ends, then you are required to follow certain safety measures. Let’s get you updated on the same.

Safety Measures You Need To Follow

If you are going to fly with Spicejet or any other airlines post the pandemic, then you are required to follow these safety measures. This is important for your safety and also for others around you.

  1. Sanitize your hands often

Sanitize your hands often

When at the airport or on the plane, you should sanitize your hand frequently. You are always touching someone or something while travelling. This is why you need to keep your hands sanitized all the time. Also, prevent shaking hands with anyone because you never know who’s carrying the virus. Even when you sanitize your hands, avoid touching your face.

  1. Wear mask all the time

Wear mask all the time

When travelling or in public, you should wear a mask all the time. This will prevent the virus from entering your mouth or nose. Make sure that you are using a high-quality mask that can provide you the required protection. If required, you can also wear a face shield. This is even more effective than a mask.

  1. Sanitize your surroundings

Sanitize your surroundings

Once you board the plane, you should sanitize your seat and surrounding. Although airlines are taking all the required precautions, it is always advised you to take extra safety measures. The best thing would be to carry a pocket sanitizer with you whenever you go out in public. You can use it to sanitize your surroundings. For instance, you can use it to sanitize your seat in the plane, luggage, and hands.

  1. Minimize human contact

Minimize human contact

As you already know this virus spreads from human to human. This is why you should minimize all forms of human contact. For now, you should avoid greeting people with a hug or handshake. This applies to people you know and strangers. This is required for your safety and others. You should also maintain social distancing while in public. Maintain at least 6 ft distance with others while standing in line to board the plane.

Post the pandemic, if you have plans to travel make sure you are going to a safe place. It is advised you to not travel even after the pandemic, at least for few more months unless the situation gets back to normal.

About Anirudh Singh

Anirudh Singh is a passionate blogger and the man behind Amazing India Blog. He has 5 years of experience in the newspaper industry and he founded Amazing India Blog in 2015. Apart from writing and editing articles on Travel, Business and Technology at Amazing India Blog, he also contributes to other well known newspapers and online news blogs.